Fibre Connections
Glenelly's fibre services provide civils and microduct installation and testing services to its telecommunications industry clients.
Our managers and staff are professional and well-train experts, and our site engineers and support staff work in accordance with well-defined maagement systems and methodologies. This, we believe, ensures the works are delivered in a safe and expeditious manner to budget and in accordance with client standards.
The full turnkey service we offer includes the following:
Planning and programming
Desk top exercises to establish existing utilities and services and design of the best route taking into account the requirements of all stakeholders.
CAT and Radar surveys.
Reports with survey results, and design of civils construction and cable installation options and recommendations.
All stakeholder management associated with the chosen routes.
Civils works
Intrusive survey by geotechnical means.
Installation of multi-way ducting, access chambers, jointing boxes & deep structures.
Open trenching, tunnelling, timbered headings, micro tunnelling, directional and core drilling.
Copper and Fibre Optic Cable Installations.
Jointing and testing.